Research Project Description

The focus of my research project will be a topic inspired by the article "Who Needs a TV? I'm Watching on a Laptop" by Laura M Holson. I would like to analyze the positive and negative effects of the switch from a television set to computers for watching TV shows and series. I have listed some positives and negatives below and will continue to broaden the list. I want to investigate how the switch to personal devices has caused negative backlash in the cable industry. I also want to discuss how this increased popularity has allowed for more professionals in the industry (actors, writers, directors) to have more work. 

-viewers have their own time to watch what they want
-more artists have more opportunity for work (screenwriters, actors, directors, etc)
-more viewers, more audience, more success

-difficult to reach viewers because they have gone rogue, cannot share advertisements 
-cannot develop ratings on viewers reception of the shows when using illegal watching sites
-television networks loose business


  1. This is a cool topic, one that will come up time and time again as the world becomes more digital. I think an important aspect of this is not only to think about the consumer behavior (e.g. easier to watch, more content to browse through, etc) aspect but also thinking about the business model behind the switch to digital television (its honestly really extensive, comprehensive and interesting how all these digital players will renovate the whole entire business model of television - something you could definetly include in your final paper!). Because providers like Hulu, Netflix, etc are starting to take on original content and are partnering with other providers to showcase TV shows/movies this opens these platforms up to a wider spectrum than once available on traditional television. Last - with the push towards big data, these providers are starting to use your data to showcase similar TV shows/movies to you (based on social profile, interests, favorites, how often you watch a show, etc) so you will stay inclined on the platform longer.

    Also, the networks aren't actually loosing business with at-least a platform like Hulu. First, the networks own Hulu so they are automatically going digital and second all their content will eventually be loaded on Hulu itself so they will also monetize off of the content.

    In addition to TVs and movies I think theres also an uprising trend in user generated content - so things that float around Twitter, Facebook and Youtube by regular people like you and me. It'll be interesting to see how some of those platforms adapt to the user generated content and try to monetize off of it (e.g. via brands, advertisements, etc).

    Would be interesting to do an analysis of user generated content versus traditional versus digital and see which is a better product (what do people actually prefer via a pros and cons for each) and business (which will actually bring in more $$$ and how?) And through surveying and additional outside research you'll deff get the answers.

    Hope this helps!

    PS - thanks for the call out on my font size, will fix it in my postings going forward!


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