
Showing posts from November, 2017

Next New

I like to think that we are at a stage where we no longer need any more "new media". Ideally I think reverting back to older methods of gathering information and connecting with other people would be better than new forms of media that have the same end goal. We already have online therapists and doctors that will make a house call from a text message. There is no longer any surprise when going to a restaurant because you have already seen pictures of every item on the menu on google maps, yelp, instagram, etc. One idea I had recently was to change what we see on our facebook newsfeeds. We all know that our facebook newsfeeds are catered to our interests, political opinions, careers and searches. I think it would be interesting if there was a feature that allowed you to see what other facebook users newsfeeds looked like. You could have a better understanding of what other people are exposed to day to day and perhaps understand why someone has developed such strongly differen

Wiki So Far

Today I contributed to the wiki on the Graphic Design page. I made edits to the section on softwares for graphic design. I study Graphic Communications so I thought I would be able to make a decent contribution to this page. The original entry listed "popular softwares for graphic design", two I was not familiar with. I followed the reference link on that section to an article featuring the best free  graphic design softwares. I changed the title of that entry to "Free Softwares" and created a new section for "Adobe Softwares" which are the standard softwares for graphic designers. I'm attaching some screenshots of my edits.


File sharing occurs when different types of media or content is distributed for free through a host site. Users are able to see or download this content. In some cases you must create an account to join the file sharing community. P2P File sharing means peer to peer file sharing. With P2P, users are able to share content with each other within the file sharing communities. An example of P2P file sharing occurs in the article “Content producers should take advantage of P2P, not fear it” from Econsultancy. In this case P2P file sharing of films occurs on websites like The Pirate Bay, Digg, Slashdot and BoingBoing. The easy access to films and media through these sites brought more attention and publicity to films that otherwise wouldn't have had this, like the film Steal This Film, which is actually a documentary about file sharing.


In new media we as users are encouraged to share our information, work, interests and ideas with other users on the internet. When I stop to think for a minute how much information about myself is available on the internet, it is alarming. I cannot keep track of every page or profile I have filed out about myself. When your privacy becomes something you must be aware and secure of this becomes an issue. Also the possibility of others on the internet stealing your work, like on Flickr, which is an open photo sharing website.  


Using new media to improve the facilities at Baruch College could help bring students together. Baruch is a school where it is very easy to feel disconnected from your peers who could really be a resource to you, using your collective knowledge to help each other. Right now I am creating a graphic design portfolio to apply for Spring 2018 art internship. I had a hard time understanding what my portfolio should look like before I met with a professor. And only then I saw 3 or 4 example portfolios. Developing a creative common for the Baruch Arts department where students could share their work and their experiences. I have very little contact with other students in my major so it would be a helpful if we could have a platform to talk and share our work.  

Creativity and New Media

For this assignment using screenshots, I created a collage of the media that I find inspiring and related in their design and aesthetic. All of these images com from different media sites such as instagram, tumblr, facebook, google images, different blogs, and some from my own flickr account. I like to draw the parallels between media on different platforms to find a common theme or aesthetic. In this situation I am the audience and the creator. I think the style of my blog also reflects the style of this collage in its colors and mood.  

HW Creativity

In the scholarly article, Creators, Audiences and New Media: Creativity in an Interactive Environment by Isaac Bell, Chapter One: “Creator/Audience Roles and New Media Interactivity”, discusses the integration between artists or creator and their audiences through new media platforms and the complexity of the relationship. The roles of creator, audience, reader, etc in new media creative platforms are not static. Each user will fill one of these roles in their experience if not two at the same time. The boundaries between the roles are close or blurred. I think when an audience is exposed a piece of design through the internet they will have their own experience that breeds creativity and inspiration. Here they are the audience and the creator. The experience of seeing a creative process or product through new media is a more personal experience compared to going to a gallery or play. There you give up all of your attention to the work in the moment. Then when you leave, it i